It’s a wrap, summer number 66 is gone and bye, ushered out by golden tamaracks, cooler weather, and hopefully more record northern pike caught off the dock. Just like the other 65 years before it, this summer was full of memories, laughs and friendships that are sure to grow in legend as each year passes by the main lodge fire place.
It is hard to imagine that in 66 years there are still new experiences that mark each summer, and 2011 was full of them!
We had our first five generation family! That means great….great grandparents!
In July a little filly was born at the ranch, the first in quite some time. Any name ideas?
MT (a fitting nickname in Montana) was the first 100 year old guest to ride a horse. Shhhh, don’t tell the insurance company.
There was an Averill wedding, which after much celebration and barn dancing left the Lodge teetering but still standing!
Mary Kay Cosmetics, who had come to the Lodge for over 30 years made one last reunion trip to start the season off. Nothing says dude ranch like a pink Cadillac.
Flathead Lake Lodge hall of fame baker, Ellette Day came out of retirement to finish off the season and make sure everyone was extra fattened up for the winter ahead.
The lodge received a private fly over (as private as two F-16’s can be) as a thank you for over 13 years of hosting the International Fellows Program.
Barn Manager Jason was actually never bucked off…
We had our first week with over 4,000 people visiting the Lodge for concerts during the Crown of the Continent Guitar Workshop & Festival
Most importantly & what we are most thankful for, is another year of seeing old friends and having fun with new ones.
Cheers, and here’s to next year!