We’ve always been big believers that people need to get away, have time to decompress and soak up moments with the ones they love most. And while family vacations with kids are fantastic, we also know that sometimes grown-ups need getaways that don’t involve the kids.

Meet our 2022 adults-only Montana Adventure package.

This package is available twice this fall: from September 2 – 7, 2022, and September 12 – 15, 2022. 

The first package – which takes place over Labor Day – is longer than our previous adults-only getaways, which gives guests even more time to experience all we have to offer at Flathead Lake Lodge. A five-night package, it’s all-inclusive and includes on-property activities like horseback riding, touring the elk preserve, mountain biking on our trails, taking a morning dip in our lakeside pool and heading out to play on the waters of Flathead Lake.

The second package is a tad shorter at three nights and four days, while still giving guests the chance to soak up fall in Montana.

If you’ve stayed with us before, you’ve also tasted the culinary offerings of Chef Rob. And while he whips up great meals all summer long, for our adults-only packages he creates mouth-watering multi-course tasting menus with wine pairings. 

If you’re interested in reserving space in our 2022 adults-only getaways, get in touch with us here or call us at 406-837-4391.

Until next time,

If you’ve been to Flathead Lake Lodge, you know that we sit on the shore of Flathead Lake — the largest natural freshwater lake in the West. And while we often make mention of how lucky we are to have our guest ranch on Flathead Lake, we may not tell you enough about this place.

At 28 miles long and about 15 miles wide, Flathead Lake covers nearly 200 square miles and has 185 miles of shoreline.

Here are 12 things you probably didn’t know about Flathead Lake...

1. Flathead Lake is the 79th largest natural lake on the planet.

2. The water quality of Flathead Lake is one of the cleanest in the world. This can be credited to the lake being fed by waterways that are full of snowmelt from Glacier National Park and the Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex.

3. Much like its friend to the north Glacier National Park, Flathead Lake was carved out by massive glaciers that moved through the area during the Ice Age.

4. Due to its sheer size, Flathead Lake often creates its own weather patterns and during storms, you’ll see whitecaps form on the lake as winds rage across it.

5. Flathead Lake is home to HUGE fish. For example, the lake trout caught on Flathead Lake average about 8 pounds, but many of them tip the scales at larger weights.

6. You can drive all the way around the lake. It will take a few hours, but is hands-down one of the most beautiful drives around. You’ll largely take U.S. Highway 93 and Montana Highway 35.

7. There are public access sites all around the lake, including state parks, fishing access sites and parks.

8. Abundant recreation takes place on the lake. A few of note: sailing, kayaking, jet skis, boat cruises and fishing.

9. Here at the ranch, we take about 550 sails a year on the waters of Flathead Lake, most often on our two historic 51-foot Q-class racing sloops — the Questa and the Nor’Easter. They were both built in the late 1920s and are an important part of the Flathead Lake Lodge family and history.

10. Due largely to its sheer volume, Flathead Lake rarely freezes over during the winter, although you will find ice along the shorelines and in various bays around the lake. The last time the entire lake froze all the way was more than 30 years ago.

11. Flathead Lake creates an ideal environment (that is a bit milder that other places in Montana) for growing fruit. As you drive around the lake, you’ll see all kinds of orchards along the shoreline that grow cherries and in the summer, you can pick local cherries up at a roadside stand.

12. Flathead Lake is home to numerous islands, including Wild Horse Island. The largest island on the lake around 2,160 acres, Wild Horse is a day-use state park that’s home to all sorts of wildlife, including wild horses.

Learn more about our guest ranch on the shores of Flathead Lake at FlatheadLakeLodge.com.

Until next time, happy trails and adventuring.



While horseback trail rides have been a part of the ranch for the last 75 years, this year we’re offering a new way to ride — a Ladies AllRide Mountain Bike Retreat.

With 10 miles of mountain biking trails (and an additional 4+ miles that will be ready for this fall’s retreat) that weave their way through our 2,000 acres, attendees will have the chance to focus on mountain bike skills work and riding, complemented by guest ranch activities. This fall retreat takes place September 17 – 20, 2021, is created with ladies in mind and is open to adults over the age of 18 of all levels, from novice to experienced.

Here’s what sets it apart from other mountain biking clinics:

-The retreat is all-inclusive, with meals, lodging, recreation, tax and gratuity included (it’s also the only one that includes lodging)

-Attendees will experience a mix of mountain biking and guest ranch activities, like morning yoga on our platform overlooking Flathead Lake, boat cruises, campfires at the beach, tours of the elk preserve, horseback trail rides and one of our most-loved events, the mountain meadow steak fry

-You’ll be riding on our private trails during one of the most beautiful times of year in Montana, complete with stunning fall foliage, sun-soaked days and crisp evenings

If you’ve been looking to start your journey into mountain biking or if you’d like to hone skills like body positioning, technical climbing and descending, bunny hops and pump tracks, we invite you to learn more about the Ladies AllRide Retreat or call us at 406-837-4391.

Happy shredding,


Over the years, we’ve been lucky enough to host countless guests, dignitaries, groups, weddings and more, and it has been our absolute pleasure to introduce everyone who drives in our gates to Flathead Lake Lodge. And while we have loved every minute with so many guests, we’re still soaking in the magic from A Week of Hope. It’s one of those experiences that will go down in the history of the lodge and in the memory of our staff forever.

While we know we’ve shared various bits of information about A Week of Hope (you can read past blogs here and here), we had some very kind friends who volunteered to make a video recapping the week. And in the interest of full disclosure, we also have to tell you that we have watched this video countless times and each time, tears of gratitude, hope and thankfulness fill up our eyes. (Yes, cowboys do cry.)

We invite you to take a few minutes and watch it below.


When we look back on this week, the relationships that were formed are best described as magic. Families met one another and bonds were created over shared experiences and an understanding of what each other and their families are going through as they fight for their kids, cheer them on and bring them hope and joy, in spite of health battles that are faced every single day.

Here are a few photos from the week. (The full albums can be seen here and here.)

One of our guests from the week said it best, “We’re not promised tomorrow, any of us. And the ability to do these things as a family and have something that will stick with us is nothing but pure joy.”

To our dear families, thank you for trusting us to keep you safe and well in the wilds of Montana. And thank you for allowing us (and our incredible staff, partners, volunteers, vendors and donors) to be involved in a week of pure joy. This week was one we’ll never forget and for that, we’re forever thankful.

Happy Trails,


Like they always say, all good (and bad!) ideas start on a bar stool. Well, A Week of Hope can officially be added to that (good) list. I remember sitting in the crowd at a tourism conference listening to Samantha Brown from the Travel Channel talking about the importance of travel to kids. It reminded me of how my Dad always jokes that at Flathead Lake Lodge we “take care of the kids and just deal with the adults.” Not true, but kinda…

So how, after 75 years can you possibly say thank you to all those who have helped? From the neighbors, the Bigfork community, our staff, our guests, family members, vendors, local kids who just wanted to trade barn chores to learn to ride horses and on and on and on. For over 75 years it has taken so many people to help make Flathead Lake Lodge what it is today.

Our goal was that A Week of Hope could be our thank you. Our way of giving kids and their families who need it most a chance to experience Flathead Lake Lodge. What I don’t think we were prepared for is how much this week gave us.

75 years ago my Grandpa Les started this place with a strong back, ingenuity and above all else a way of treating people that 75 years later—  built on being genuine, kind, authentic, selfless and fun—hasn’t gone out of style. In a time where everyone seems caught up in what is wrong with each other and overwhelmed with negatively, Grandpa Les’s way of life stands strong at Flathead Lake Lodge.

This week, during A Week of Hope, in the middle of a pandemic, we hosted 20 families from across the country who have critically or terminally ill children. We had fun, we laughed, we adventured, we cried, we built relationships and we made memories. We leaned into what Flathead Lake Lodge stands for and I can honestly say the humanity of this last week at the ranch might have been the most special things we have ever done in 75 years.

There are so many thank yous that need to be mentioned for making this happen that I doubt I will remember them all, but I’m going to try. First and foremost to the families. Your enthusiasm, openness and determination is something every person should learn from. To our staff who went above and beyond to make this a week to remember in so many ways. To our vendors who donated trips, time and experiences that were amazing. To our volunteers and locals who helped babysit, donated golf carts and more. To all the donors who helped make this week happen. And lastly to our great partners, Hope Kids and Montana Children’s Hospital. Day in and day out they are doing great work; thank you for letting us talk you into letting this experience happen.

After being knocked down by numerous strokes, Grandpa Les re-learned how to write and in shaky, hard to read writing, when he could barely talk anymore, penned this:

            To My Grandchildren,

May you rise up to meet any challenge, live to your fullest potential, fly high, be reverent, honest and trustworthy. Be remembered for being loyal, helpful, courteous and kind to all you meet. Remain cheerful and fun to be with.

Lester W. Averill

It was an amazing 75th season, capped by the most memorable week of them all. I know Grandpa Les would be proud.


Here at Flathead Lake Lodge, there are lots of things to do in, on and around our 2,000 acres. And while we may not talk about it much, one of the coziest (and most fun) places to visit at our Montana guest ranch is our onsite gift shop.

Each of the items in our gift shop is hand-picked with our guests in mind by members of the Flathead Lake Lodge family and staff. Many of our items come from the Made in Montana show (held each year in Helena, Montana,) that features the work of local artists, makers and creators. In the shop, you’ll also find plenty of vintage-inspired hats, Flathead Lake Lodge branded apparel and some of our most favorite things for both work and play.

With that in mind, here are 10 of our favorite items from the Flathead Lake Lodge gift shop.

1. Around here, we’re firm believers that every cowboy (or cowgirl) needs a solid pair of leather work gloves.

2. Custom Flathead Lake Lodge mugs, perfect for sipping your morning coffee or evening hot chocolate.

3. Made right here in Big Sky Country, Montana Wild Crafted Honey is some of the best you’ll find anywhere. The honey is not heated, filtered or messed with, which also means you are enjoying as many health benefits as possible. Plus, it’s delicious and comes in huckleberry.

4. During a Montana summer, daylight hours are long and it’s easy to spend lots of time in the sun. One of our favorite ways to protect our faces is by wearing a baseball hat.

5. There are some occasions that call for full-blown cowboy boots and others, like the barn dance, where cowboy-inspired ankle boots are just what you need. (I also have it on good authority from the ladies in my life that these are comfortable and cute.)

6. Grandpa Les founded Flathead Lake Lodge in 1945, which means that this year we are celebrating our 75th anniversary. To celebrate this special and meaningful year, we have custom ornaments that are sweet and easy to pack. Truth be told, we’re looking forward to hanging one on our tree this year.

7. Every now and again, we’ve been known to have a nip of whiskey. And we think it tastes even better in a cowboy shot glass and Flathead Lake Lodge flask.

8. Stuffed animals (with bandanas) in the form of elk and horses.

9. One of our newest offerings and perhaps one of our most favorite additions to the shop are these new charms.

10. These shirts are also one of our new favorite items, as they’re lightweight but offer enough protection and warmth on chilly mornings and evenings.

While you’re at the lodge, we invite you to take a walk over to the gift shop, chat with the gals and maybe even take home a piece of Flathead Lake Lodge. And if you’re not here but see something you like (or if you want to snag a little something as a present), feel free to call us at 406-837-4391.

Until next time,


For a variety of reasons, vacation plans have changed for many this summer. And as trips have been rescheduled and priorities for family vacations have changed, we’re happy to share that we have openings for this summer and that Flathead Lake Lodge has taken many steps to ensure the safety of our guests, employees and community.

The boats are ready to take guests out on Flathead Lake.

As of June 1, 2020, Montana entered the second phase of our reopening plan and the 14-day quarantine on out-of-state travelers was lifted.

For this summer, Flathead Lake Lodge is opening for the season on Sunday, June 21 and guests, as always, will enjoy weeklong stays at our guest ranch on the shores of Flathead Lake. While things will look slightly different this year, we’ve been working behind the scenes to make sure that we can provide peace of mind with an authentic, unforgettable family vacation on our 2,000 acres of terrain, which breaks down to one person per every 10.5 acres (including our full-time staff, seasonal staff and weekly guests).

The patio at the Main Lodge.

A few things you can expect on a summer vacation to our Montana guest ranch:

-Activities, programs and ranch spaces have all been evaluated and occupancy for all spaces has been adjusted to make sure that adequate space is available for all of our guests.

-For breakfast, lunch and dinner, we’ve added additional seating areas and have spaced the tables to provide for social distancing. For all dining experiences, we have implemented a “we serve you” policy. Plus, all self-service areas will served by a Flathead Lake Lodge staff member.

-To ensure that public traffic to the ranch will be limited, we are not taking individual public sailing reservations this season. The only folks who will be on our horseback trail rides, sailing vessels and more will be guests of the ranch.

-We’ve always been big of washing our hands around here, but this year we’re taking it a step further and adding both handwashing and hand sanitizing stations throughout the ranch.

-You’ll see friendly faces making their way through all public spaces during your stay, as we have a dedicated employee who will be continually cleaning and sanitizing all high-traffic areas of the ranch. We’re also ramping up sanitation practices throughout the ranch, including horseback rides, shuttle vehicles, mountain biking and more.

-All of our employees and staff have gone through training practices that will help ensure that we meet all standards in sanitation, hygiene, social distancing and more (you can read the full plan here). We’re also recording and logging the health and temperature of all employees at a health station each day. In addition, upon arrival, all guests will be temperature screened.

A family horseback ride on the lodge’s 2,000 acres.

As we’ve taken several steps to ensure the safety and well-being of our greater Flathead Lake Lodge family, we also want you to have the opportunity to vacation as a family, soak up plenty of Montana moments and have a wonderful experience. (See a sample itinerary here.)

For more information about available dates for this summer, call Jodi at 406-837-4391 or email us at info@flatheadlakelodge.com.

Until next time,



If there are two things we know to be true at Flathead Lake Lodge, it’s that fall in northwest Montana is spectacular and adults deserve vacations, too. But not just any vacation. We’re talking about the types of getaways that allow you to relax, lounge, adventure, dine on incredible food and have fun.

As such, we’ve created FOUR GETAWAYS that are just for the grown-ups this September.

Fall Retreat: Come Unplug & Reconnect in Montana: September 10 – 14, 2020

Designed to let you truly unplug, this long weekend getaway offers a digital detox—free from technology—perfectly paired with horseback riding, playing on Flathead Lake, gourmet food and wine pairings, yoga, guided hikes and more.

Cost: $2,880 per person. All-inclusive – includes meals, accommodations, recreation, tax and gratuity.

Setting out on horseback.

Fall Getaways: Come Relax – September 6 – 10, 2020; September 14 – 18, 2020

This package combines a typical stay at Flathead Lake Lodge with the vibrant colors of fall on the ranch’s 2,000 acres. Highlights include multi-course dinners with wine pairings, guided mountain biking, horseback rides, an onsite massage and tours of the elk preserve.

Cost: $2,880 per person. All inclusive – includes meals, accommodations, recreation, tax and gratuity.

Boating on the glacial-fed waters of Flathead Lake.

Fall Fun: Montana Adventure: September 18 – 22, 2020

This adults-only adventure-filled long weekend will include mountain biking on our miles of trails, guided horseback trail rides, tours through the elk preserve and exploring the waters of Flathead Lake. Additional highlights include live music, dips in the lakeside pool and creative multi-course tasting menus from Chef Rob.

Cost: $2,880 per person. Includes meals, accommodations, recreation, tax and gratuity.

Hitting Flathead Lake Lodge’s 10+ miles of mountain biking trails.

One of the elements we’re most excited about for these fall packages is what Chef Rob has planned for the culinary offerings.

Chef Rob has been working on food and wine pairings and tasting menus…he let us have a peek and our mouths start watering when we read what he has up his food-loving sleeve.

A few pairings of note from the Montana Royalty Tasting Menu: Oysters & Bubbly (oyster, trout roe, lemon – sparkling wine), Beets, Milk & Honey (beet, apple, chevre, honey – Verdejo) King Trumpet “Duxelle” (King trumpet mushroom, shallot, fine herbs, pine nut, raising – Sauternes), Montana Short Rib (elk, carrot, onion, potato, huckleberry – Rhone Red) and S’more of What? (graham cracker, marshmallow, chocolate – Pedro Ximenez).

Chef Rob brings his 12+ years of cooking professionally, with a focus on French technique to the lodge and our adults-only getaways.

For more information about our fall adults-only vacation packages, email us at info@flatheadlakelodge.com or call 406-837-4391.

Until next time,


If you would have told us 10 years ago – or even this time last year – that we’d be entering our 75th anniversary year with a viral pandemic that’s sweeping the world, chances are we would not have believed it. And yet, here we are. We’re marking a major milestone in guest ranch history, family history and even Montana history, all while the world comes together to face an invisible foe with the type of courage, grit and determination that means working together, staying home and taking care of each other.

While the world moves on around us, we know that we’re in a time unlike any other. As we celebrate our 75th anniversary, it seems fitting to look back at historical glimpses of the lodge and the legacy that was built by our grandfather Les Averill (who was a pilot in World War II), carried on by Doug and is now being firmly carried forward by the third generation.

As we think about 75 years of the lodge, we also wanted to share some of our favorite photos with you. Whether you want to walk down memory lane with us or if you’re just in need of a good distraction, we hope you like them as much as we do.

Doug at the buffalo ranch on the east side of the mountains.
Family in the heart of the ranch, the Main Lodge.
Maureen, Doug, Ginny and Les on Flathead Lake.

From our family and our extended lodge family to yours, we wish you health, safety and the ability to find joy in every day, even in the middle of a storm.

Until next time,


While Flathead Lake Lodge closes to guests during the winter season, our year-round staff is still here preparing for the coming spring, summer and fall. Typical activities at the ranch during this time of year include making updates, hiring seasonal staff for the coming summer, prepping for guests, booking groups and planning for the upcoming year.

And, with our location on the shores of Flathead Lake and at the base of the mountains, we get to soak in quiet and snow-covered winter moments. If you’ve been here in the summer season, it may be hard to imagine the lodge covered in snow. So, instead of just telling you about it, we thought we’d show you what winter is like here in Bigfork, Montana.

The entrance to the lodge.
In the summer, this alley is one the horses take to get from the barn to the pasture.
A different snow-kissed view of the Main Lodge.
The patio off the Main Lodge gets a winter nap.
A whole new take on polar plunge.
Some would say that our crew has just as much fun at the lodge in the winter months as the summer months.
Early-season snowfall.
Our on-property cabins hold down the fort in the winter.
One of our guests’ favorite photos opps looks a little different during January.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this glimpse into winter at Montana and Flathead Lake Lodge. For more information about our Montana guest ranch, visit us here. You can also see daily glimpses into life at the lodge on our Instagram here.

Happy winter,


*This is a guest post by Lauren Picard. Lauren has been part of our summer staff for the last three seasons.

Hey there! If you’ve stayed with us or worked at Flathead Lake Lodge within the past few summers, there’s a likely chance that you and I have crossed paths. My name is Lauren and I have been a seasonal employee at the lodge since 2017; one summer as a waitstaff member and the last two as a wrangler. And honestly, working at Flathead Lake Lodge has been the highlight of my past few years. With its picture-perfect setting on the shores of Flathead Lake, the charming town of Bigfork just up the road and the incredible people the Averills gather in this place, I’ve created memories and met people that will stick with me for a lifetime. 

Like any family, the Averills and the team they assemble each season collectively adhere to core values and expectations that highlight the work done at Montana’s Flathead Lake Lodge. From a large pool of applicants that submit their resumes every winter, those who come to the ranch in the spring are the ones who have shown that they align with the Flathead  Lake Lodge’s core values (more on those in each of the paragraphs below). If you’re interested in applying to spend a summer at the lodge, I’m here to show you what they’re looking for and how to make yourself stand out.

Be Genuine and Selfless

At Flathead Lake Lodge, we’re all about building meaningful relationships. This includes relationships with our guests, as well as our coworkers. Over the course of our guests’ seven-day stays, we interact with them all day, whether it’s serving meals, taking them on trail rides or boat cruises or simply passing them on the walking paths. Offering them a friendly smile and kind hello sets the tone of their week as it’s our responsibility to welcome them into our home and make them feel comfortable as best we can. We don’t have customer-service voices or practiced smiles; we only have our genuine and authentic selves to display the best of the Flathead Lake Lodge family. 

Strong Family Values

As a third generation family-owned and -operated establishment, family values play a big role in the day-to-day happenings of Flathead Lake Lodge. Displaying a sense of strong family values can set you apart from the pack when it comes to applying for a job at the lodge, as it aligns you with the set of values that created this place and have kept it in operation for almost 75 years. To sum it up: the staff at the lodge is there for each other as a family, just like our guests become part of our lodge family. 

Be Willing and Durable to Meet Expectations

There is one skill and attribute that is absolutely, no-question-about-it, definitely sought after in any and every department at Flathead Lake Lodge: be willing and teachable

Making friends at our weekly barn dance.

This applies to everything. Anywhere you work at Flathead Lake Lodge, between waterfront, the barn, to maintenance and housekeeping, there will be people there—whether returning employees or the department managers or Mr. Doug Averill himself—to help you learn the ins and outs of your position that will allow you to be successful. Every skill required of a job at the lodge is able to be taught and explained. What cannot be taught, however, is the willingness to learn and the ability to accept help gracefully. To stand out among other applicants, highlight your teachability and willingness to learn

Strive for Excellence with Effective Results

Imagine you’re having people over to your house for the first time. Your kitchen is spotless, you’ve whipped up the best batch of cookies you’ve ever made and all the pillows and cushions in the living room fluffed and ready for company. You’ve striven for excellence in your home for the best first impression.

When guests arrive at Flathead Lake Lodge for the week, they’re arriving to your home and you want to create a great first impression. In everything we do as part of the Flathead Lake Lodge family, we strive for the absolute best to give the guests the absolute best experience and meet their expectations. This need for excellence lasts the whole week—week after week—through the whole summer, rain or shine, hot or cold, early in the morning until late in the evening, you show up to introduce guests to the very best of this place we call home.

Have Fun

When you work at Flathead Lake Lodge, you are working on a 2,000-acre lakeside playground, complete with mountain biking, hiking, boating, horseback riding and so much more—enjoy it! Summit nearby Mount Aeneas and hang out with the mountain goats. Hop onto as many sails as you can on the lodge’s two Classic Q-class sloops, the Questa and the Nor’Easter. Go to the barn dance and roast marshmallows on the island. Explore Glacier National Park and set out on horseback rides with guests or friends. This is your playground too; take the time to play and soak up summer in Montana. 

Lauren in her favorite place, the barn.

Applying for a job at Flathead Lake Lodge isn’t merely applying for a summer job in Montana; it’s applying for the best summer (or summers) of your life and will be full of adventures, new people, new places, really good food (ever hear of the Freshman-15? Beware of the Flathead-15!) and memories that will last a lifetime. I will forever cherish my summers as a member of the Flathead Lake Lodge family and can’t wait to go back someday. Who knows…maybe I’ll even see you there!

If you’re interested in a job at this lakeside playground, visit their job page here for more information. 

Happy trails from Wrangler Lauren!