Flathead Lake Lodge
Riding through the ranch Elk Preserve is always special this time of year. With a few cooler days, and fall on the horizon, the bull elk have started to bugle occasionally. If you have never experienced this sound echoing through the woods while on a ride, it is truly something to remember. Here is one of the preserves big ol’ bulls starting to feel pretty confident in himself.
Well, after going almost 15 years without any females, 2010 is the lucky year for the old bulls in the Ranch’s Elk Preserve (we might re-name it ‘Trump Elk Preserve). We have introduced five bred and six un-bred females into the herd. Most of the old elk are between 15 and 18 years old (that’s pretty darn old for an elk) and it will be exciting to see the new generation of the herd be introduced this spring.
We’ll keep you posted when the first mother calves!
Guests that have visited Flathead Lake Lodge over the last 10 years have enjoyed riding through our 500 acre Elk Preserve. These magnificent animals are now 12 – 16 years old which is full maturity. Very rarely are you able to see such mature animals in the Wild. The herd is managed by Scott Plum, an employee at the Lodge for over 20 years. Scott is seen feeding in January since browse is very scarce this time of year. We will move the herd into a 20 acre pen in March when they start loosing their antlers.