Here at Flathead Lake Lodge, we’ve been part of the Bigfork, Montana, community since 1945. And it’s no secret that we love living here, working here and playing here.

Bigfork is a wonderful community and we’re happy to hang out hats in this sweet lakeside town. As residents, business owners and members of the community, we believe in investing in the place we call home. So much so that each year, we commit to contributing 1% of our accommodations revenue to the Flathead Lake Lodge Community Fund. The fund supports causes, community projects and individual initiatives. Applications are currently open and due by October 31, 2024. If you’d like to apply for grant funding, the application is available here.

From our family to you and yours, thanks for being part of this wonderful community.
-The Flathead Lake Lodge family

Last month, we had the honor to host our fifth annual Week of Hope. And if you know anything about it, you likely know it’s the most magical week of the year here at Flathead Lake Lodge. While the event was originally started in 2020 to honor our 75th anniversary, it’s a tradition that we have happily and gratefully carried on. This year’s event, which was held September 9-14, 2024, welcomed 22 critically ill children and their families to the ranch to simply be. And as one of the ranch’s most-loved traditions, it’s an honor to give the gift of hope, connection and time.

A few highlights from this year’s Week of Hope:
-Seeing Week of Hope kids on horseback, many of them for the first time
-Watching friends be made and relationships formed
-The opportunity for guests to experience firsts with their families

After the week wrapped up, there was also an opportunity to ask the Week of Hope families to “caption the week” and here’s what they had to say:
-“God’s hands in action.”
-“Week of Hope gives me hope.”
-“Week of Hope revived my soul.”
-“Where our kids are just kids.”
-“Heaven on earth.”
-“Week of Hope felt like time was standing still – it was a week where I didn’t think about anything except the present.”

And as always, we have to express our gratitude to the organizations, donors and people who help bring Week of Hope to life. With that in mind, we want to offer our thanks to the following organizations that stepped in to support Week of Hope.

A huge Montana-sized thank you to the following:
Outback Trading Company for donating cowboy hats for all the Week of Hope guests.
Glacier Raft Company for donating scenic float trips.
American Vision Photography donated 22 family portrait sessions and 4,900 candid photos.
Logan Health donated nurses for 12 hours day, as well as an accessible van for transportation to and from the airport.
Eva Gates Homemade Preserves gave huckleberry jam to each family.
Bigfork Stagecoach Rides and Wrangler Springs offered complimentary stagecoach rides.
Dream Adaptive for specialized equipment and volunteers to assist kids with kayaks and stand-up paddleboards.
Backcountry Flying Experience for a plane ride.

Another thank you goes to our family season guests – at this summer’s weekly mouse races, we did a “split the pot” where half of the proceeds went to the winner and half went to Week of Hope. Most of our guests donated all of their winnings to Week of Hope, with $28,500 raised.


And lastly, a special thank you to our staff – you all are amazing and we’re incredibly grateful that you’re part of the Flathead Lake Lodge family. To our volunteers and locals – thank you for all you did to pitch in where we needed extra hands. And thank you to HopeKids for being our partners in gifting hope.

Until next year, with sincere gratitude,

For the second year in a row, we’re excited to open the doors to the ranch early with our Locals Nights at Flathead Lake Lodge – Spring Dinners.

This year’s dinners will be offered six nights: May 9, 10 and 11 and May 16, 17 and 18. Per usual, Chef Rob is pulling out all the stops and has custom created four-course prix fixe menus for each weekend. This year, guests can also opt to add on a four-course wine pairing.

Here is what’s on deck for this spring:

May 9, 10 + 11

Course one: quinoa, tillett, kaniwa, amaranth, teff, poblano, blood orange

Course two: russett potato, surryano ham, smoked sherry aioli

Course three: duck breast, butternut squash, wild rice, apricot, broccolini, bourbon deme glace

Course four: Basque cheesecake

May 16, 17 + 18

Course one: burrata, garlic scape, heirloom tomato

Course two: halibut, red pepper nage, carolina gold, rice grits, succutash

Course three: roast chicken breast, potato, maitake, sauce grand mere

Course four: apple strudel

Need to Know

Tickets: $90 per person, including gratuity

Optional add-on of four-course wine pairing: $40 per person

Happy hour starts at 5:15 p.m. (cash bar), followed by dinner service at 6 p.m.

From our ranch family to you, we invite you to join us to celebrate spring in Montana. Tickets are available and can be purchased here.

See you soon,


Here at Flathead Lake Lodge, we’ve been a family tradition since 1945. With our location on the shore of Flathead Lake in northwest Montana and with nearly 2,000 acres of terrain, our guest ranch has plenty of room to soak up Big Sky Country.

And while we’ve been welcoming families for generations – as well as raising our own families here at the ranch – we were delighted to be named a winner in Good Housekeeping’s 2024 Family Travel Awards. Listed as a “Milestone Vacation Spot,” we were included under Unforgettable Adventures & Attractions.

Here’s what Good Housekeeping had to say…

“If you’re planning a trip with the extended family to celebrate a milestone anniversary, birthday or graduation, we have three words: Flathead Lake Lodge. Open May through October, the family-operated, all-inclusive guest ranch truly facilitates family bonding through its seemingly never-ending lineup of activities that you sign up for when you arrive for the week. (It also helps that the guest rooms don’t have TVs.) Although there isn’t an official camp, the supervised kids’ activities, broken down by age group, run morning to night. Well-planned meals, stellar service and a stunning lakeside location make this a true gem. Plan to stay in the area a few extra days to explore nearby Glacier National Park.”

And if you’re curious about what the tester thought, here’s a glimpse into the ranch in her own words.

“Every activity is outstanding,” said our reviewer, who visited with her parents, daughter and nephews and tried mountaintop yoga, horseback riding and flower-arranging class among many other things. “It’s so family-oriented and communal and everyone in our group had the best time, even my dad, who hates everything.” She also thought the food was delicious, noting “I loved that they had wine pairings with every dinner and that the kids had a separate meal and meal time if they wanted but could also eat with adults if they preferred.”

If you’ve been thinking about planning a family trip to Flathead Lake Lodge, we’d love to see you at our family-owned and -operated guest ranch.

During the summer, we offer weeklong stays (check in on Sunday, check out the following Sunday), while we also have a variety of packages in spring and fall. This spring, we have a new family-focused spring adventure package. Slated for May 29-June 2, 2024, it’s designed for the whole family with activities that include breakfast rides, horseback trail rides, archery, boat cruises, guided hikes, guided mountain biking, tours through the on-site elk preserve, yoga, music, steak fry and a barn dance.

Want to read more? Check out the awards here. In other exciting news, be sure to grab a copy of the January/February print issue of Good Housekeeping to read more about the ranch.

Until next time – happy trails,


Each year, we hire staff for the summer season and we’re happy to share that job openings for 2024 are live! If you’ve been considering spending a summer working in Montana, we invite you to apply to work at Flathead Lake Lodge, our family-owned and -operated all-inclusive guest ranch.

There are various departments and jobs that are open for the year, from working with horses to our kids program. A few of note: barn, children’s program, dining room, gift shop, grounds crew, guest services, housekeeping, kitchen, marketing, outdoor pursuits and waterfront.

If you’re curious about what it’s like to work at a guest ranch resort, we invite you to watch the video below and hear it about it directly from our staff.

And if you know someone who may be a good fit for Flathead Lake Lodge and our core values of fun, please share this link (or this blog post!) with them.

Until next time,


For more than 75 years, Flathead Lake Lodge has been part of the Bigfork, Montana, community. As one of the town’s largest employers and oldest businesses, we take our responsibility to community service and stewardship seriously.

Every season, we commit to contributing 1% of all accommodations revenue to the Flathead Lake Lodge Community Fund. Over the past five years, we have awarded more than $35,000 and look forward to continuing this tradition. We love this community and want it to continue to be the amazing place it is for years to come by partnering with you to make Bigfork even better.

Interested in applying? Complete and return this application no later than November 15, 2023.

From our family to you, thanks for your application.

-The Flathead Lake Lodge family

And just like that, our fourth annual Week of Hope was recently held at Flathead Lake Lodge. An event that got its start to honor our 75th anniversary in 2020, Week of Hope is now a ranch tradition that we look forward to every year. As you can imagine, this is an event that takes many hands to bring to life, from monetary donors to sponsors and vendors to staff and volunteers. We could not bring a Week of Hope to life each year and give the gift of hope to critically ill children and their families without the incredible people who help make it possible.

To learn more about Week of Hope, you can read our recaps from 2020, 2021 and 2022

Here’s a peek at some of the folks who helped with Week of Hope (and to those who also gave monetary donations, please know that your help, donations and support are much appreciated):

Glacier Raft Company: Hosted a scenic float trip for 50.

American Vision Photography: Paul Andes took portraits and did photo shoots for each family, as well as candid photos throughout the week.

Dan Linn, Rideback: Due to Dan’s generosity, each year we have a Week of Hope video that captures the memories, family bonding and adventures throughout the week. This video is a treasured keepsake for everyone involved!

Outback Trading and M&F Western Products: Donated cowboy hats for all the kids.

Logan Health Children’s: Provided nurses and wheelchair-accessible van.

Eva Gates: Donated huckleberry jam.

In addition, our own TJ (who is our dishwasher at the lodge) has been keeping and recycling cans all season. He donated the money he raised to Week of Hope.

And while we could tell you all of the reasons this week is so special to us and to the families who attend Week of Hope, we though we’d share a few quote from the families themselves.

“You don’t know how much this touched our family; my son forgot he had cancer for 5 days”

“Thank you for all the memories and for being an agent of grace to all of us.”

“From Sept 11-Sept 16, Dave and I and the kids got to experience the most incredible time together, thanks to HopeKids and Flathead Lake Lodge. We celebrated Andre, spent time just being us and away from everything we handle in our day-to-days (appointments, therapies, etc..) and we’re introduced to and formed bonds with 15 families just like ours from the across the country. Friendships were formed; new adventures and experiences were had, and memories to last a lifetime. This vacation out to Montana was the most incredible experience and we are so forever grateful to have been given this.” 

“My son has not talked or played with anyone for over a year until Garrett sat down next to him at breakfast camp.” 

“We had been trying to get our child on a horse for years, he was not a fan, but Cotton won his heart, and we will be forever grateful for this week. I will never forget the feeling of having support.”

For more from the week, see the photo album here. From us to you, thanks for being part of the Flathead Lake Lodge family.

With sincere gratitude and a humble heart,




This September, Flathead Lake Lodge will be the host location for the fourth annual Week of Hope, an event with HopeKids. Started in 2020 for our 75th anniversary, a Week of Hope is a tradition we’re honored to be a part of. For 2023, 16 critically ill children and their families will spend September 11-16 at the ranch where they can enjoy time together, experience new things and make sweet memories.

And while we could tell you how amazing this week is and how special it is to the families who attend, the ranch and our staff, instead we thought we’d introduce you to two of the families attending Week of Hope this fall.

Meet the Valle family

The Valle family will travel from north Texas to northwest Montana to attend a Week of Hope, with the HopeKid being Evan Valle, a 9 year old with MELAS. For the past six years, Evan has been hospitalized numerous times, does twice daily breathing treatments, takes multiple medications and more.

In the words of his family, “This week will mean the world to our family to be able to relax and enjoy each other’s company and meet other families. We don’t often have the opportunity to take a vacation and especially not of this magnitude. We have certainly never been to Montana! This will be a once in a lifetime option before Evan’s condition changes. A change of scenery will recharge and rejuvenate Evan’s soul. Thank you for the opportunity to experience this wonderful adventure. Hope is a powerful thing!”

Meet the Davenport family

The Davenport family will join Week of Hope from Colorado, with HopeKid Michael who is 9 years old. Since he was 1 year old, Michael has deal with complex epilepsy that includes thee types of seizures, as well as autism, asthma and more. He’ll be attending Week of Hope with his mother and older brother Eddie, who has also been dealing with health issues since 2020.

In the words of his mom Eileen, “I am a single mom with 2 amazing kids that struggle more than any kid should have to just to survive in this world. They teach me every single day how to be strong, have compassion, and to never give in to the chaos we deal with. Through all the hardships, HopeKids has been one of the biggest blessings by providing opportunities we wouldn’t otherwise be able to do. Their dedication, patience, and hard work has truly given our family HOPE over and over again! Thank you to all the donors who help support HopeKids, your generosity helps families create unforgettable memories. This week will show my two boys here’s a world outside of complex medical care and judgment from others due to disabilities. It will provide memories other than needle pokes, invasive testing, and day to day struggles of ongoing medical hardships. Being chosen for Week of Hope creates an opportunity to enjoy the wilderness in all its glory, while giving a platform to encourage rest and peace in a way we have never had as a family unit.  This trip is a silver lining to a grey cloud, reminding us that tough times consistently happen in life but there is also relief and sometimes it comes from complete strangers in unexpected ways. This adventure will allow us to connect with other families in different HopeKids’ chapters and allow all those selected to reset our souls to take on whatever life throws our way. The trip means an opportunity to spend quality time as a family unit, which is priceless and rare to come across. Last but not least, this trip means Michael can take pride in marking off Montana on his treasured scratch off map of the United States hanging in his room!”


Over the past few years, this week has touched the lives of many families. It’s a week that reminds us to slow down and soak up the moments, while always remembering that at the end of the day, family, love and hope are the most important things. If you’d like to help bring a Week of Hope to life this year, we invite you to donate here.

With hope and gratitude,


While we’ve always taken great care in our flower beds at Flathead Lake Lodge, this year we’re offering something brand new – a cutting class.

Each week, Cec (who has been at the helm of our flowers for the last several years) teaches a cutting class where she walks participants through the various elements of floral arrangements, including the types of flowers (like the thriller, spiller and filler), textures and more. Cec also walks guests through the different elements, from textures to colors and monochromatic design options to varying heights. From there, guests can cut flowers to their heart’s content and create their own individual flower arrangement.

The lodge’s 30 raised beds have 50+ types of flowers, including sunflowers, specialty snapdragons, zinnias, bells of Ireland, bunny tails, asters, lisianthus, dahlias and more. The flowers in the gardens were selected for a couple of reasons, such as vase life and the fact that they can be cut and easily grow again.

A new offering for this year, the class is offered every Thursday at 9 a.m., with guests being able to take their arrangement back to their cabin to enjoy for the remainder of the week.

So far this summer, we’ve seen some beautiful floral arrangements and we’re looking forward to seeing what our guests create this season and in years to come.

Until next time – happy trails,


Here at Flathead Lake Lodge, we specialize in all-inclusive stays and family traditions. Founded in 1945, we’ve been delivering high-quality vacations for nearly 80 years. And while we’ve been offering all-inclusive stays for decades, we realize that there are some elements to this type of vacation that folks aren’t familiar with.

With that in mind, here are 9 things to know about an all-inclusive vacation at our ranch resort in Montana.

1. You can do nothing or everything.

A vacation at Flathead Lake Lodge is just that – a vacation. How you choose to spend your time at our home in Bigfork, Montana, is entirely up to you. You can be busy from sunrise to sunset with abundant activities. Or you can unwind, relax and lounge to your heart’s content by our lakeside pool. This is your vacation and we want you to treat it as such.

2. Once you arrive, you don’t open your wallet until you check out.

After you check into your accommodations at our Montana guest ranch, you won’t need to pull your wallet or credit card out to pay for drinks, dinner, transportation or activities. You won’t need your wallet until you’re ready to hit the road for home. (If you opt to do off-site guided activities, there are additional fees to those outfitters.)

3. High-caliber food and drinks are included.

While we might be biased, we know a good thing when we see one. And Chef Rob is a good thing. He’s been with the ranch for over five years and brings his culinary talent to every meal you have while you’re here at the ranch. Plus, he works with as many local purveyors and farmers as possible to ensure that your dining experience includes as many Montana-grown or Montana-made items as possible. Rounding out our culinary offerings are Pastry Chef Bri and our talented team of mixologists. Needles to say, you won’t go away hungry or thirsty. And if you have dietary restrictions or allergies? Our culinary team can accommodate you.

4. Everything you need is here. But if it’s not, we can get it for ya. (Or take you to get it.)

We have amazing employees and if you ask any one of them for something, chances are you’ll get it and you’ll get it quickly. But, if on the off-chance that we don’t have what you need, we can run to town and grab it for you or we can take you into Bigfork to snag it.

5. We’ve got mountains. And we’ve got water.

One of the elements that helps set Flathead Lake Lodge apart from other guest ranches is the wide array of what we have to see, do and experience. While we’ve got horseback trail rides through our nearly 2,000 acres of terrain, we also sit on the shore of Flathead Lake, which means there are a plethora of water-based activities to enjoy during summer in Montana.

6. Vast array of activities and things to do.

Whether you prefer land-based adventures (like horseback trail rides, guided hikes, mountain biking or touring our on-site elk preserve) or water activities (like sailing, wakeboarding, stand-up paddleboarding and swimming), you’ll find robust activity offerings when you stay at Flathead Lake Lodge. We also have a well-rounded kids program that’s broken down by ages, with experienced staff to supervise.

7. Two types of stays – family and adults-only.

Summer at the ranch is all about weeklong family stays and with our abundant offerings and private accommodations, Flathead Lake Lodge is ideal for family vacations and multigenerational family bonding. And while summer is focused on the kids, each spring and fall we turn the ranch into a get away that’s just for the grown-ups with our adults-only adventure retreats. It’s basically summer camp, but for adults, in the best way possible.

PS: we also offer corporate retreats, special events and destination weddings. More here.

8. Everything is included, making it a value vacation. 

There’s a huge value that comes with an all-inclusive stay. Our 2023 adult rates start at $5,439 for cabins and suites, and $4,417 for lodge rooms. And while we realize that could come with some sticker shock, that includes EVERYTHING. Your meals, your drinks (including alcoholic beverages), accommodations and all activities, from horseback trail rides to a mountain meadow steak fry and Pinzgauer tours to sailing in our 1920’s historic sailing sloops.

9. Room to breathe.

Our lakeside guest ranch has nearly 2,000 acres of pure Montana that runs from the shore of Flathead Lake up into the Swan Mountains behind the ranch. What this means is that you get breathe in as much of Montana as possible. The lodge grounds are beautiful and are home to a variety of landscapes, making it easy to find your own quiet corner of Big Sky Country right here at Flathead Lake Lodge.

If you’ve been thinking about an all-inclusive vacation, we’d love to visit with you more about Montana’s Flathead Lake Lodge. You can email us or call our office at 406-837-4391.

Happy trails,





We’re kicking off our 2023 season with something new – Locals Nights at Flathead Lake Lodge.

Before we fully open the doors to the ranch for our weeklong stays, we’re opening the Main Lodge for four nights: May 5, 6, 12 and 13. Each evening, Chef Rob will be whipping up a four-course prix fixe menu with wine pairings.

Here’s an overview of what to expect…

May 5 + 6

The four-course menu includes endive salad, prawn and grits, chicken and dumplings and apple strudel, with wine pairings served with each course.

May 12 + 13

This weekend’s menu features potato leek salad, crab cake, pork osso bucco and tiramisu, also served with wine pairings.

What Else You Need to Know

Tickets: $90 per person, which includes gratuity.

Happy hour starts at 5:30 p.m. (cash bar), followed by dinner service at 6:30 p.m.

From our family to you and yours, we’d love to welcome you to our historic Main Lodge to enjoy an evening of mouth-watering culinary dishes and perfectly paired wine. Tickets are available now and can be purchased here.

See you soon,
